Friday, June 4, 2010



*Persistence of Vision*

The phenomenon of the eye by an afterimage is thought to persist for approximately one twenty-fifth of a second on the retina.In the understading of the vision, the eye is not a camera. In other words vision is not as simple as light passing through a lens, since brain has to make sense of the visual data the eye provides and construct a coherent picture reality.

* Flip Book *

A book with a series of pictures that vary gradually from one page to the next, so that when the pages are turned rapidly, the pictures appear to animate by simulating motion or some other change. Furthermore, flip books are primitive form of animation. Like motion pictures, they rely on persistence of vision to create the illusion that continuous motion is being seen rather than a series of discontinusous images being exchanged in succession. Viewers simply stares at the same part of the pictures in the flip book as the pages are turned. The book must also be flipped with enough speed for the illusion to work.

* Moving Projector *

An opto-mechanical device for displaying moving pictures by projecting them on a projection screen. Most of the optical and mechanical elements, except for the illumination and sound devices, are present in movie cameras.

* Tip. How do 3-D glasses works.*

I. Red/ Green or Red/Blue

The colored filters in the 3D glasses allow each eye to only see the opposite color on the stereoscopic graph. As the brain fuses the two graphs together our focal point is pushed backwards creating the illusion of depth. As we are drawing in black ink, it is seen by both eyes it remains at it’s normal focal distance, appearing to float above the page. However, the disadvantage of this system is that we cannot really have colored movies; the quality of the image would not be as good as the polarized system because this system uses color to give the separations.

II. Polarizations

Many companies such as Disney, Universal Studio and others that created 3-D movies preferred this method using polarized lenses because they allow viewing colors. Two same projectors project two individual views onto the screen, each with different polarization. The way these glasses works is by allowing only one of the images into each eye, since they contain different polarization lenses.

The two different polarization lenses that has been used in 3-d glasses are Vertical and Horizontal polarizer. Vertical polarizer unpolarizes the vertical polarized light and horizontal polarizer unpolarizes the horizontally polarized light. So if we put vertical polarizer on top of horizontal polarizer we would not be able to see any thing because both are blocking the light and light was is not transmitted through.

Animation we made.

0.04 sec per each frame(image)

0.1 sec per each frame(image)

0.3 sec per each frame(image)